There may be something to salvage here : my inner child gets to play out some more.


New people have shown up on here and started following and this got me thinking. Very dangerous that for this butterfly brain. Perhaps, this blog deserves to live. Some of you may recall I have been keeping it – letting it go – for a while now.

I already blog on my main blog Write Dorne, but maybe my inner child is asking for some extra time to play. I’m not quite ready to grow up – nor go home for bedtime.

I’m sorting through the old toys and boxes in the attics. Memories are  flooding back and I’m wondering do I still fit into that beautiful old, favourite dress? If not, let’s make some alterations – or make it into something else completely different.

Let’s get creative!

I’ll get the paints out and paint to my heart’s content. And all of those photographs may find somewhere to live – rather than just in a computer folder.

And when I’ve done making art on my laptop – let’s be brave and put it up on here.

Let’s play and see what happens, who comes to join in and what games it leads to.


Welcome and thank you to my new followers.

Thanks for dropping by.

Dorne x



Two thoughts for the day and a picture.

Article from A Southern Fairytale (Rachel Matthews)
Article from A Southern Fairytale (Rachel Matthews)

Oh, if only days lasted for longer than 24 hours; we didn’t need to sleep, do chores and some of us were actually organised!

I don’t pop up on here, nor my sister blog Write Dorne, as often as I would like. So, here’s two thoughts for today.

Article from bloglovin
Article from bloglovin

If nothing else I make sure of the dirty feet, messy hair and sparkling eyes.

Join me in having dirty feet today and look for the joy in life. Turn off the telly and radio. Back away from that newspaper and leave the gloomers and doomers to their own misery. Yes, the world is going mad… in parts; but, there are some good things out there.

And I’m off to find them, in my usual messy way…coming?

Carpet of water lilies by Dorne
Carpet of water lilies by Dorne

Thanks for dropping by.

Dorne x



I’ve changed my mind…again!

Before Christmas, which feels like ages ago now, I had just about talked myself into closing this blog down and sticking with Write Dorne (my sister blog). But, I’ve changed my mind again. Partly because folk take the time to visit , like and comment and because it probably represents the real me. I have a bit of a butterfly mind!

Yes, I may be spreading myself too thinly and I’m possibly the proud owner of two mediocre blogs. But, that is fine by me. I don’t want a blog that is bigger than me. I don’t have the time to properly administer it.

I think of my blogs as a bit like online diaries  and I write, play, create and brag whenever I feel like it. I’ve heard it said that blogging can be likened to graffiti! I think they may have a point.

So, my particular brand of graffiti is remaining on here. I’ll show up as and when and just be me. I thank you for taking the time to visit and follow.

Now…lets have a dance. I think I may have spotted Sir David Attenborough dancing in the background of this video! So cool, or what?

Thanks for visiting.

Dorne x


A blog vacation.


I’m taking a blog vacation for a few days. I’m heading to one of my favourite parts of the UK , to re-charge my batteries and take lots of pictures.

If, among the beautiful mountains, I pick up a signal I might post.

Otherwise, it will be a few days break for me.

Thanks for dropping by and have a great week.

Dorne. x

Venturing out of the woods.

forestBack in March of 2014 I was in the process of setting up a new blog. Eventually, I settled on another name, Write Dorne. On this blog I write about my life as a freelance writer.  Click on Write Dorne, if you want to take a peek at this blog; everyone is welcome.

But, I also have a passion for photography and painting.  Just recently I feel that my artwork and photographs have been detracting from my writing, on my blog.

So, when I realised that this abandoned blog  actually had visitors, likes and comments; and after I’d kicked myself for being so stupid, I decided that I would get to work on here.

This is not to say that my artwork [laughable] and photographs won’t appear on Write Dorne: they will; and sometimes posts from there will guest on here.

I just think that it’s time to come out of the woods and separate things a little. That’s the plan anyhow.

So, thanks for visiting and have a great day.

Dorne 🙂