Calling all Mike Oldfield fans: a confession.

I don’t need any excuse to play a bit of Mike Oldfield music and if it’s accompanied by a rather clever video – then even better.

I first discovered Mike as a twelve year old and I’ve been addicted to him ever since. I must have most, if not all of his albums. As a keen music student myself I was captivated by the knowledge  that Mike played all of the instruments himself on Tubular Bells. When Hergest Ridge was released I remember listening to it on our local radio station, one night. They played both sides of the magical and eerie album. I saved up my paper round money and bought it, as soon as I could.

Mike used to live in a village near to my sister. One Christmas she and a friend collected a piece of overhanging holly, from a bush in his garden. I’ll admit I was tempted to stalk him when I found out where he lived. But, my husband didn’t think it was a very good idea. And no, I’m not going to tell you where it was, because there’ll be a mad rush of crazed Mike Oldfield fans all trying to nick holly from the garden. You’ll all be hanging out in the frozen food aisles of the local supermarket, as you try to discover Mike buying his fish fingers.

Any fan who is a proper fan will know that Michael now lives abroad…sob! and therefore there is no hope in hell of meeting him by the fish fingers…even if we do happen to think that he probably knows how to show a fish finger a brilliant time.

So, Mr Oldfield that piece of holly that you most definitely will have missed, all those Christmases ago…it was my sister who nicked it. In an attempt to drive me wild with jealousy, for you.  I can let you have her address, if you want? I’ll meet you by the fish fingers…I’ll be with my husband, who also likes your music. Okay?

Love from a crazed fan, who is old enough to know better, but just can’t help herself.

Thanks for dropping by here and enjoy the video.

Until the next time.

Dorne x